No dog is too old or too young to start training.

Training Options

We offer group training classes and individual training sessions to meet your needs.

*** Any Dog that shows or has shown signs of aggression towards other dogs or people MUST be evaluated before visiting a Group Training session.

If you have any questions or want to discuss any training or behavioral concerns you have, please call us at 602 768 8848.

Level 1 Group Training is offered twice a week and is focused on teaching obedience basics with a moderate level of distractions.

The addition of distractions allows us to evaluate and address the behavior displayed by the dog in a controlled environment.

In Level 1 Group Training, we focus on teaching or reinforcing the following Prompts:

The Crash Course is offered to new Dog Owners and consists of 8 sessions of just the Basics – no added distractions, just obedience training.

Level 2 Group Training is offered twice a week and is focused on teaching obedience basics.

In Level 2 Group Training, we focus on expanding upon Level 1 training and teaching or reinforcing the following:

Private Lessons are offered in a one-on-one instructional format to dog owners who cannot attend group classes or who have dogs with training needs that are beyond the scope of Group Training.

Private Lessons may be scheduled to evaluate and address issues that are difficult to assess or remediate in a group setting.

Training may include:

Behaviors Addressed may include:

© 2024 Nancy Zeiher and That’s Obedience!  All rights reserved.